Donor-advised FundsA popular charitable gift option in recent years has been the use of Donor Advised Funds. You are invited to include Partnership With Native Americans or specific PWNA programs as a charity you wish to designate. Northern Plains Reservation Aid works directly with community-based agencies on the reservations. Our partnerships ensure that we are providing the right kind of support — food, health, education, housing or animal rescue to name a few. We work on the ground throughout the year to help close the gap on the pervasive needs of these hardworking communities in tough circumstances. Help is needed for the short-term to supply material aid and relief efforts, for the mid-term to ensure capacity building such as scholarships and partner training, and for the long-term to support grassroots sustainable solutions such as community gardens, farmer’s markets, and winter fuel projects. Options to give through a donor-advised fund (DAF):
Benefits for you:
If you have any questions regarding planned giving, please contact Joe Langenderfer, CFRE, Director of Planned Giving at (214) 217-2600 Ext. 111. You are also encouraged to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.